
Double Rainbows

The first and brighter rainbow is called the primary rainbow. This rainbow is created by the normal process we explained in the other pages.

The second and more faint rainbow is called the secondary rainbow. Secondary rainbows are formed when the light does not escape the raindrops after its first reflection. Instead, it reflects a second time.

Characteristics of Secondary Rainbows:
  • Colour of bands are reversed
    • This is because light rays are reflected a second time.
  • Colour of bands are fainter
    • Not all light rays are able to go through the additional refraction process thus the secondary rainbows are fainter.
  • Located higher up in the sky
    • Light rays exit rain drops at a larger angle; for secondary rainbows, it is 50°to 53° while for primary rainbows, it is 40° to 43°